Sjálfkjörið í stjórn og trúnaðarráð Framsýnar

Nú liggur fyrir að sjálfkjörið er í stjórn og trúnaðarráð Framsýnar og reyndar líka í aðrar trúnaðarstöður í félaginu fyrir næsta kjörtímabil sem eru tvö ár frá næsta aðalfundi félagsins sem haldinn verður í vor. Frestur til að skila inn tillögum um félagsmenn í trúnaðarastöður rann út um síðustu mánaðamót. Uppstillinganefnd félagsins kom saman til fundar í janúar og stillti upp lista fyrir komandi kjörtímabil. Tillagan var auglýst í síðasta Fréttabréfi stéttarfélaganna og á heimasíðu félagsins, stilla þurfti í um sjötíu embætti innan félagsins.  Heimasíðan vill nota tækifærið og óska öllu því frábæra fólki sem hefur samþykkt að taka að sér störf fyrir félagið kjörtímabilið 2022-2024 til hamingju. Hvað það varðar má geta þess að mikill áhugi er meðal félagsmanna að starfa fyrir félagið.

Aðalseinn Árni og Ósk Helgadóttir hafa farið fyrir öflugu starfi Framsýnar undanfarin ár. Félagssvæðið er stórt eða um 18% af landinu. Vinnustaðaheimsóknir um félagssvæðið geta því tekið nokkra klukkutíma og því þurfa starfsmenn félagsins stundum að nesta sig í lengri ferðirnar. Hér má sjá þau Ósk og Aðalstein Árna hvílast á ferð þeirra til landvarða sem voru við störf á hálendinu. Með þeim í för var Jónas Kristjánsson formaður Þingiðnar sem einnig hefur verið endurkjörinn sem formaður félagsins til næstu tveggja ára.   

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir

Taktu þátt í mótun kröfugerðar Framsýnar!

Framsýn stéttarfélag hefur hafið undirbúning að mótun kröfugerðar fyrir komandi kjaraviðræður sem hefjast á næstu mánuðum við Samtök atvinnulífsins, ríkið og sveitarfélög.

Samninganefnd félagsins hefur samþykkt að leita til félagsmanna varðandi þau áhersluatriði sem þeir vilja fá inn í kröfugerðina. Skoðanir félagsmanna eru afar mikilvægar og því leggjum við mikla áherslu á að sem breiðust þátttaka náist til að raddir allra félagsmanna fái að heyrast í endanlegri kröfugerð sem verður aðgengileg á heimasíðu félagsins,,  um leið og gengið hefur verið frá henni endanlega.

Áherslur félagsmanna sendist sem fyrst á netfang Samninganefndar félagsins,

Þátttaka þín skiptir verulega miklu máli!

Samninganefnd Framsýnar

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir

Stjórn Framsýnar fundar í vikunni

Stjórnarfundur verður haldinn í Framsýn fimmtudaginn 10. mars kl. 17:00 í fundarsal félagsins. Mörg mál eru á dagskrá fundarins. Stjórn Framsýnar-ung er einnig boðið að sitja fundinn.


1. Fundargerð síðasta fundar

2. Inntaka nýrra félaga

3. Kjarasamningar-undirbúningur

4. Yfirlýsing vegna innrásar Rússa í Úkraínu

5. Þing SGS- formannskjör

6. Hagvaxtarauki 1. apríl

7. Heimsókn ríkissáttasemjara

8. Orlofsmál 2022

9. Heimasíða félagsins

10. Hátíðarhöld 1. maí

11. Heimsókn Ólafar Helgu Adolfsdóttur

12. Málefni ASÍ

13. Bónusmál starfsmanna PCC

14. Samskipti félagsins við Norðurþing

15. Erindi til Fjármálaeftirlitsins

16. Önnur mál

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir

Renovation in Older Homes

Contact us to get a rough estimate of the cost you can expect to replace or flooring with new laminate flooring or install new ones in your new home. Laminate flooring is a more affordable option in place of hardwood flooring that can cost almost ten times the cost of laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is light, durable and can be made to resemble many different types of expensive flooring such as hardwood, ceramic or even natural stone.

Read more „Renovation in Older Homes“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Finishing Window Threatment on Skyscrapers

Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, Bolts offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new and custom-tailored home for yourself and your family.

Read more „Finishing Window Threatment on Skyscrapers“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Plumbing and Sewer Installation

Metal Roofing Bolts offer you the best in metal roofing services, supplies and materials to help protect one of your biggest investments you will ever make, your home. There is no better way to protect your home than the installation of a quality roof over your head. At Bolts, we are professionally installing metal roofs for over five decades. Properly installed roofing system will ensure that your eaves, walls, furniture.

Read more „Plumbing and Sewer Installation“

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Big, Wall UV Protected Windows

A growing number of homeowners are desiring and insisting on making their home eco-friendly so that they are healthy to live in and are also cost effective to operate. By choosing to build green, you are making an effort to reduce the burden on the environment and also add value to your home. Bolts provides you with the guidance and the tools that are necessary to build a green building or a green home or office.

Read more „Big, Wall UV Protected Windows“

Interior Design: Big Projects and Client Communication

Everyone Can Paint, So Can You! If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the painting. While it may be tempting to hire a professional to do it if you have never painted before, it will cost you a lot of money. Painting your own house allows you to experiment with something new and will help you save thousands of dollars.

Read more „Interior Design: Big Projects and Client Communication“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Floor and Electric Heating in Appartments

The living room is an important room where most people spend their leisure times with their families or friends. If your living room is large with different zones such as a dining area, home office or a lounging area, it is important that each zone has adequate lighting without overpowering other areas. While choosing the lighting, one should consider the atmosphere, one is looking to create and choose the bulbs and lamps accordingly.

Read more „Floor and Electric Heating in Appartments“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Skyline project: How we started H-Rise

One should remember that lighting not only has aesthetic and mood enhancing values, but play an important functional.How Important is Light in the Living Room? Proper lighting is essential for any home. It is important to maintain balance between personality and the functionality of the room when it comes to lighting the living room. One can transform the entire atmosphere of their living room within the proper use of lighting.

Read more „Skyline project: How we started H-Rise“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Paving a Path to Your Driveway and Doorway

For many potential buyers, kitchen is often a deciding factor before purchasing or declining a house. Hence it is a smart move to renovate the Kitchen before putting your house for sale. More often than not, it can earn you about 70 percent return on investment once the sale is through. It need not be expensive. Small changes can go a long way. While remodeling, opt for materials with mass appeal like stainless steel appliances of high quality.

Read more „Paving a Path to Your Driveway and Doorway“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

From Sketch to Building: How I built my house in 100 days

Additionally, top required items should be placed on top. How to Prepare for a Home Renovation Deciding and agreeing for a home renovation project is just the beginning of the journey that could take months to compete and can cause a lot of inconvenience and stress to you and your family. Following the below mentioned tips and preparation can greatly minimize the stress a great deal. The first decision is whether you would reside in the same house during renovation.

Read more „From Sketch to Building: How I built my house in 100 days“

Regular Roofing Maintenance: When to Inspect the Roof

House senovation are there a number of great reasons to makeover your home. In today’s modern world, there is a need to focus on energy efficiency to reduce cost. Many homeowners are also tired of the way their house looks for so many years and are looking to update and restyle to make their homes a better fit for their needs. No matter what the reason, Bolts is here to make your incredible dream house come true.

Read more „Regular Roofing Maintenance: When to Inspect the Roof“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Wood or Plasti Floors for Outdoor Terrace

Laminate Flooring Laminate flooring is a more affordable option in place of hardwood flooring that can cost almost ten times the cost of laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is light, durable and can be made to resemble many different types of expensive flooring such as hardwood, ceramic or even natural stone. This type of flooring is made of different materials combination and one can find many floor systems available in the market.

Read more „Wood or Plasti Floors for Outdoor Terrace“

Road System in New York Goes Live

There are a number of great reasons to makeover your home. In today’s modern world, there is a need to focus on energy efficiency to reduce cost. Many homeowners are also tired of the way their house looks for so many years and are looking to update and restyle to make their homes a better fit for their needs. No matter what the reason, Bolts is here to make your incredible dream house come true. You might have put off the renovation.

Read more „Road System in New York Goes Live“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Starting with Foundation and Materials

Laminate Flooring Laminate flooring is a more affordable option in place of hardwood flooring that can cost almost ten times the cost of laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is light, durable and can be made to resemble many different types of expensive flooring such as hardwood, ceramic or even natural stone. This type of flooring is made of different materials combination and one can find many floor systems available in the market.

Read more „Starting with Foundation and Materials“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Gold Line Extension Suburban Growth

Construction Consultant Whether you know exactly how you want your new home to be or just looking for new ideas to build your new house, Bolts offers priceless resources to help bring those ideas to life in a seamless manner. This is especially important if you are looking to move forward the norms and the traditional homes and looking to build a new and custom-tailored home for yourself and yours.

Read more „Gold Line Extension Suburban Growth“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Installing Solar Cells for Heating

With a reputation built on offering superior service, experienced team and high quality materials that we use, Boltsis one of the most sought after general contractors in the country today. Commercially licensed, insured and bonded, Bolts is a general contractor that is involved in a wide array of commercial and residential projects within our markets across the United States. At Bolts, we fully understand the need of coordination of job sites and maintaining.

Read more „Installing Solar Cells for Heating“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

New Single-Family Rental Community

How to Prepare for a Home Renovation Deciding and agreeing for a home renovation project is just the beginning of the journey that could take months to compete and can cause a lot of inconvenience and stress to you and your family. Following the below mentioned tips and preparation can greatly minimize the stress a great deal. The first decision is whether you would reside in the same house during renovation or temporarily shift out.

Read more „New Single-Family Rental Community“

Hermann Finnbjörnsson Fréttir 0 Comments

Top 5 Home Markets in Trend

Contain Dust during Demolition and Remodeling Home renovations, especially those involving plentiful of demolition can be a very dusty affair. This nasty dust can easily free flow through the air and into your house to form a thick film on your entire furniture, possessions and the floor. To save yourself from arising potential health issues and hassles of cleaning, try the followings tips:- The quickest and the easiest step to take are to keep.

Read more „Top 5 Home Markets in Trend“

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